Monday 25 January 2010

Top Ten Games of the 00's

Well I do have to say this was hard to make up this top ten. Cause their were lots of great games that came out in the 00's. From the PS2 to all the way to the PC, it was hard. I do say the 00's will be remembered to be the decade when video games rule the world with an iron fist. It was the decade Microsoft came into the console picture with the XBox & the XBox 360. The PS2 outsolded almost everybody. Nintendo going casual with the Wii. EA coming back from the dead after years & years of overhyped pissy game. The downfall of the NGage and the Gizmodo. World Of Warcraft became a worldwide phenomenon. And it goes on from there. Lets just say the 00's was the decade of video games. Whats more their were shit lots of great games. So lets jump on what are my top ten games of 00's. Remember this my personal top ten, it's not offical or anything. So don't take it personally that your favourite isn't in it or isn't number 1. So anyway here we go:

10. Halo 1
Ahh Halo 1. Yeah sure 2 & 3 were mostly overhyped and weren't as good as people and critics alike make it out to be. But number 1 was an awesome game and one of Xbox's finest. Yeah sure the story was hit & miss but the gameplay and the graphics were something else. It was just a really well done FPS. One of the best in it's genre and influence the whole genre as well. With it's flashy action and it's epic multiplayer which will rule the world in the future (It came out in 2002). Halo 1, top notch Sci Fi FPS that kick almost everybody's arses in 02.

9. Max Payne
Now this game kick arse. The film maybe a rotten piece of shit but the game was FAR away from that. In fact this game had it all. Great story, great action, great gameplay, great graphics (At the time) and most of all it had fucking Bullet Time. Max Payne is just a pressure to play. And good thing that it win so many awards. Because it deserve it cause it's a really wicked game that you'll want to come back to and just unleash hell. Max Payne, awesome stuff and maybe the only game that gets the Bullet Time right.

8. Zelda: Twilight Princess
Out of all the Zelda's in the 00's. This one is the best one. Sure all the Zelda games 00's were awesome as well but this one mostly was more interesting. It was edgey, dark and epic as hell. Sure as good Wind Waker is, it wasn't the game Zelda was about imo. Sure it's a great game but they are a lot of flaws in terms of characters & story imo. I mean why the hell Hyrule is underwater? And who the hell put that piece of shit Tingle in Wind Waker as well? so yeah Wind Waker wasn't the best one, even though it's great. But Twilight Princess feel like a flawless game with a lot of brilliant moments that I lost count. It treated us like adults unlike Wind Waker which was more aimed for kids than Adults. So there you are, Twilight Princess at the 8 spot.

7. Deus Ex
Now here's a brilliant game that came out at 2000. But imo it feel like a game ahead of it's time. It was a Sci Fi RPG FPS, say that three times real fast. It's one of the most influence games of all time. Now don't tell me where they got the idea for Bioshock, Fallout 3 and so forth. Like I said this game was ahead of it's time with gripping graphics, gameplay and a story that's up there as one of the best in any video games. It is still hasn't aged a bit. It still plays like it's brand new. It's up there as one of the best games ever. Deus Ex is one Sci Fi gem you want to play.

6. Bioshock
Speaking of Bioshock, yeah it may influenced by Deus Ex but it's a game on it's own. This game is without a doubt one of the best FPS games ever. Fantastic story, characters, gameplay, etc. It's just kicks arse. There's nothing to hate about this game at all. It's one of the only flawless FPS games out there. Seriously this is one game you wanna get. If you just one FPS game then make it this one. Bioshock, you will fall in love with it.

5. Grand Theft Auto 4
Yeah you think why I left San Andreas out. Well it didn't feel like it was as good as the other games in this top ten. Maybe somewhere in the top 20 but like I said it is hard to pick this list. I have to pick one GTA game and it's 4. Why? Well it had more a better direction from my point of view. It had a great story, lovable characters, top V.O work, the gameplay was fantastic. If anything it feeled like a more polished game than San Andreas really. Even as awesome that game is, GTA 4 was even awesomer. And is in my top ten in the number 5 spot.

4. Mass Effect
:O Yeah you wouldn't expecting this eh? Well even know I praised the shit out of this game. I feel I overhyped it. Yeah sure it is one of the best games of all time but it did had flaws. Still you don't care cause you into this game so much, you don't care. You just enjoy this game as much as myself. Since I talk about this game enough already. I think I'll left you with this. Mass Effect, if you don't like this game I got you two words for ya....Too Bad!

3. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Yep the more recent of the bunch is up there as the best of the best. It's without a doubt the best PS3 game probably ever, know it's still early days. The first Uncharted was a great game itself but it had A.I issues to make it groundbreaking in the eyes of some gamers. But the second one raises the bar and becoming the best in the Third Person apartment. Up there already as one of the best games ever. Uncharted 2 is an adventure you don't wanna miss.

2. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic
Now this is one game that is near perfection as it gets. Sure they are a lot of great Star Wars titles you make you forgot the dire recent films cause of their awesomeness. But this one is the best of them all. Due to a lot of great RPG gameplay, graphics and maybe the best story in any video game ever. Seriously this game has the story that should be in the recent ones but no they pick Jar Jar Binks over the brilliant twist & turns in KOTOR. Typical. But yeah this game is the best of it's kind and a must have for everyone. Anyone who hasn't got it must get it now, it will please you. KOTOR the perfect runner up.

And my number 1 pick of game of the decade is................

Resident Evil 4
Oh hell yeah I freaking love this game. This game is a must have cause of the epicness that lays within. This game reinfluences the Horror genre and also video games in general imo. And if you think MW 2 is should be here instead then FUCK YOU IT'S RESI 4. What can you hate about Resi 4. Everything about this game kicks arse. The story, the characters, the gameplay, the graphics, etc. It just kicks arse until you shit your pants to the epicness of this groundbreaking game. It is that awesome and a must have for anybody. Resi 4 it kicks ARSE!!!

Well that is my personal top ten games of the decade. Hope yous dear readers enjoy it. Sure I may miss a lot of other games that should be mentioned but again it's hard to pick. Hopefully the new decade is will bring us more awesome games like the ones in the top ten and others that haven't been mention. If they succeed then we'll have a game that maybe better than Resi 4 and others on the top ten. This is Kevster signing off and I'll catch ya later. Thanks for reading!

Thursday 13 August 2009

Top Ten 360 games (so far)

10. Halo 3

Reason: It's multiplayer is one of the best ever. There's so many matches to pick from and it's one of the only games I can play online really. It's so fun and also the single player is good but a bit medicore imo. Great game nonetheless but I still think Halo 1 is still the Big Daddy of the series.

9. WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 09

Reason: The only great SVR game. Lot of good features and the improved cam done it for me. Also the RTWM mode is wicked. SVR 09 is good but it's still far from being in the same league as DOR, No Mercy, WCW vs. NWO, WM 2000, HCTP, Smackdown 2 and SYM. Still it's better than the last shitty SVR games. Hopefully 2010 is better. Probably not since WWE is PG'ed and is cutting down the blood, etc (Booooo).

8. Condemned 1 & 2

Reason: It's a proper horror game series that's bloody scary which I love. Reason I put them both in is cause their basically the same game, same features, same get the point. It's different from the other horror games. It's first person and you can also do a CSI in the games as well which is wicked. Oh did I told you it's fucking scary? Well that's the reason why it's 8.

7. Top Spin 3

Reason: It's the best Tennis game ever. Nuff said.

6. Burnout: Revenge

Reason: Still a freaking awesome driving game. Lots of fun and my Dad still not sick and tried of playing it. The features are cool and so are the cars. This game and other Burnout games pisses on shite like Need Of Speed & Wheelman and show them how to do a proper driving game.

5. Fable II

Reason: Lots to do, it's a great sequel to a great game and it's bloody massive. Everything you want in a sequel and more is in this game. I haven't competed it yet but a lot of my friends & cyber folk say the ending sucks. Well I'll be the judge of that. Doubt the ending would suck as much as KOTOR 2 & Halo 2.

4. The Darkness

Reason: It's the best underrated 360 game on the 360 and other consoles. I love the gothic theme mix with a mafia theme, it's just adds up to be one wicked theme all around really. I don't know why this game isn't well known and it does have a decent multiplayer. And it's really a single player acefest so who gives a toss aboot multiplayer in that game. So yeah this game is the shit, get it!

3. Gears Of War 1 & 2

Reason: Both games are just awesome, they maybe the best action games in the world who knows. Just a pure bloodfest and a pure single/multiplayer treat. This is the same as number 8, their both so good, I can't separate them. Their so good. And their both top actioners & better than these so called actioners in the market right now (I'm looking at you Assassin's Creed & Crackdown).

2. BioShock

Reason: Probably one of the best FPS ever without a doubt. The whole game is just so superb, the story is great and it's like Deus Ex if it was in the 50's underwater. And the Deus Ex 2 that would have been instead of that Invisable War shite. Yeah it's fucking ace. But not as ace or as epic as............

1. Mass Effect

Reason: Like I need to mention this for the 1000,000,000 time. But I'll do it again cause I love this game so much. Well where to start. Well it's an RPG Sci Fi Action Thriller Drama, the story is one of the best ever, the brilliant voiceover cast (Seth Green as Joker, nuff said), the graphics that makes Halo 3 wet it's pants, the gameplay is epic, the dialog is better than some of the movies out today, it's big as hell, the lifespan is long, the music is fucking wicked, Ashley Williams is a vidbabe (Lara Croft, eat your tits out), the sex scene (A little fuck you to the censor twats) and oh god it's goes on. It is to me one of the best game in any console ever. But the question is, will number 2 be the same, better or worse than this close to perfect game. And that's my reason why Mass Effect is number 1 in this top ten list.